Mobile Spy: Live Control Panel, Record Surroundings, and Stealth Camera

Mobile Spy is a revolutionary way to monitor a user’s activity on a compatible device. You can purchase the Mobile Spy software for as little as $99.97 per year. This is a small amount to pay when trying to get the answers you need. This software offers the highest quality features available on the market. Here are some of the high tech features included in the Mobile Spy software.

Live Control Panel

Live control panel gives the account user the ability to become a true spy. The account holder of the Mobile Spy software has the ability to watch and execute commands from anywhere, at any time.

Live Control Panel

  • Screen – Account holders have the ability to view the screen of the device. The screen updates every 90 seconds. Allowing the account holder to see what is going on quickly.
  • GPS Locator – Account holders can activate the GPS feature which will allow users to be located instantly on a map.
  • Calling and SMS – This gives account holders the ability to initiate a phone call from the user’s phone.
  • Lock Device – Any device that has the software, can be locked or unlocked by the account user. There is an alarm setting which is optional.
  • SIM Info – Track the device in the event it is lost or stolen.
  • Receive Logs in your Inbox – There is an option for account holders to receive a detailed log in their Inbox.


The Live Control Panel gives Moblie Spy users the option to record audio of the phones surroundings. This is a great feature to have for parents who are trying to catch a child in the act of doing something questionable. The amount of time you wish to record can be set before sending the command to the device. Once recording is complete, Mobile Spy will upload the recording of the Live Control Panel to the user account.

This feature is so valuable to parents because it helps them keep their children safe. Mobile Spy gives parents the answers so corrective action can be executed. To get the mobile spy free trial, follow this link.

Stealth Camera

Mobile Spy has gone one step further with the introduction of their stealth camera feature. A command can be sent to the user’s phone and pictures will be secretly taken. The picture is then sent to the user account where it can me viewed instantly. Parents have the ability to record and hear their children’s actions as well as take photographs using the stealth camera. Both of these features are available through the Live Control Panel.

With features like these, Mobile Spy has made it possible for parents and employers to do their jobs even when the kids or employees are not around. The stealth camera and audio recording are monitoring tools that will allow the account holder to confront the issues at hand. Mobile Spy has made living in a high tech world a little easier. We can’t be everywhere all the time, but with this software we can ensure safety when it is needed.